Please Note: Actual stamp and disc color combinations will vary from sample images.

40th Anniversary Galactic Pro Aviar

40 years old never looked so good! That’s what you’ll be thinking when you throw these limited edition Innova 40th Anniversary Galactic Pro Aviars.

Run Details: Flat. Smooth KC Pro feel. Gorgeous celestial striations throughout the plastic.

Throwback Stamp: A tribute to the rare “Hands Aviar” or “Second Aviar” stamp from late 80’s, early 90’s was used for this second release of the Aviar 40th Anniversary series.

Galactic KC: For this release, Innova combined the Aviar Putt and Approach with a Galactic KC Pro material, similar to the 2018 McPro Aviar which was also released in a limited run of Galactic Pro plastic.

**Some discs did get accidentally embossed with KC Aviar. However, these discs are still the Putt & Approach mold.

More about the Aviar: The Aviar Putt & Approach is our most popular disc model and the number one putter in disc golf. It is a versatile approach and short drive disc as well. The Aviar has earned is loyal fan base from decades of dependable flights.