Please Note: Actual stamp and disc color combinations will vary from sample images.

Lucky Chains Yeti Pro Aviar

Who needs practice when you have luck, right? Make sure you have plenty to spare with a Lucky Chains Innova Yeti Pro Aviar. They're Metallically Delicious!

Every serving of Lucky Chains has 100% of your recommended daily value of iron, is natually gluten free, and scientifically proven to improve your mood – making this disc essential to a well-balanced disc golf diet. (statements not evaluated by the FDA... or anyone else).

If you're down on your luck, reach for the disc that’ll be your Pot-O-Gold.

More on the Yeti Pro Aviar: We've developed the Yeti in a firm, grippy blend of Pro blend of plastic.The unique slightly concave top allows for a lower profile and a straighter flight than our other big bead models. The grippy firm plastic feels great in your hand in any weather.