Oculus Mini I-Dye Star Destroyer

Note: Stamp Colors will be randomly selected.

For some, disc golf is always on the mind. Even when they’re not playing, they’re thinking about it. We know the feeling. That’s why we created the Oculus I-Dye Star Destroyer, featuring an eye-opening design from artist Skulboy. With a disc golf basket seared into the eye’s pupil, the design incorporates the unyielding desire many of us have for the sport in Skulboy’s distinctive dark, yet playful style.

How this batch feels: Noticeable dome. Clean grip. Cool cohesion of stamp design with vibrant I-Dye colors.

*Design altered slightly for mini version.

More about the design: Branching off from the popular Oracle Series, we were looking for more eye pleasing symmetry with the Oculus, but with a fresh take that only Skulboy could provide. Take a look at the at the menacing pyramids and intricate capillaries / trees firmly rooted in the eye’s sclera. Pure Skulboy magic.

More about the disc: The Destroyer is a fast, stable power driver with significant glide. A great disc for sidearm throwers and those with lots of power.