Please Note: Actual stamp and disc color combinations will vary from sample images.

Sling3lade Splatter Star Wombat3

Every disc golfer needs a disc that gets their engine going. Our Splatter Star Wombat3 with the latest Sling3lade design has enough wow-factor in the air and on the disc to keep you firing on all cylinders.

*** A Marm O. Set 3-Color Design.

Run Details: 165-169 noticeable dome. 170-180 minimal to modest dome. Snappy Splatter grip.

More about the design: The original SlingBlade design with two blades was cool, but the newly renovated Sling3lade with three blades is even cooler – we’re talking cool infused with bacon and fire breathing monster trucks – kind of cool. Not only that, but artist Marm O. Set, who calls this “My favorite of the VTX series,” was inspired by Boba Fett’s helmet for this ultra clean design. Can’t go wrong there.

Word of warning: If you spin these Sling3lade discs too fast they may open a portal to another dimension, which may or may not have disc golf.

More about the Splatter Star Wombat3: The Wombat3 flies straight and stays flying for a long time with its hefty glide. Anyone who struggles to remain on the straight and narrow should seek help from the Innova Wombat3.

Disc Model Flight Numbers: 5 / 6 / -1 / 0