Please Note: Actual stamp and disc color combinations will vary from sample images.

College Disc Golf Star Roadrunner

Disc golf on college campuses is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing aspects of the game. Through College Disc Golf, an organization committed to developing the college game to the highest level, students compete for a chance at the national title while learning the game and forming friendships. Each spring, top college teams gather at the College Disc Golf National Championship –an event filled with action and drama that any college sports fan can appreciate.
Help support the future of disc golf, with the purchase of a College Disc Golf Branded item today!

The Roadrunner is a long-range distance driver with lots of glide. It makes an excellent finesse driver or long range roller. Power throwers can use this disc for long turnover shots and rollers. Less powerful throwers can use this disc for long, straight shots or low tunnel shots.