Throw Pink Discs

TP Discs

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  1. Elite competition, course, and conditions. Help fundraise for the next Throw Pink Women’s Disc Golf Championship by purchasing this limited run Innova Proto Glow Halo Star Mamba.  *Notice: Halo effect will vary. How this batch of Halo Star Mamba feels: Noticeable dome. Grippy as can be! More about the disc: No Innova driver is as easy to turnover as the Mamba. For those with average power the Mamba produces effortless anhyzers and is an excellent roller option. Even those with lower power love the Mamba for the added distance and easy shot making.  New Proto Glow material shines on and on. Mamba Flight Numbers: 11 / 6 / -5 / 1 More about the TPWDGC: With the look and feel of a major championship, the Throw Pink Women’s Disc Golf Championship has become a can’t miss stop on the women’s disc golf tour after only a few years in existence. Throw Pink is a collection of disc golf events across the country with the purpose of encouraging women and girls to get out and be more physically active. Throw Pink also raises money for women’s health initiatives including breast cancer prevention and awareness.
  2. The Snake Mandala Star Mamba combines two of Throw Pink’s favorite designs from recent years into something that’s simultaneously beautiful and fierce. **A Justin Lago 2-Color Design How this batch of Star Mamba feels: Noticeable dome in most discs. Lighter weights have less dome. Big time Star grip. Just what you want. More about the stamp: The Mandala and the Battle Queen Mamba were both successful Throw Pink stamp designs from the last few years. And that got us thinking. What if we were to create a mashup of sorts that contained the detailed intricacy of the Mandala, but also exhibited the primal power of the Battle Queen. Enter the Snake Mandala Mamba. More about the Innova Mamba: No Innova driver is as easy to turnover as the Mamba. For those with average power the Mamba produces effortless anhyzers and is an excellent roller option. For beginners or those with low power it’s a great long, straight option. More about Throw Pink: Throw Pink is a collection of disc golf events across the country with the purpose of encouraging women and girls to get out and be more physically active. Throw Pink also raises money for women’s health initiatives including breast cancer prevention and awareness.
  3. Find the warrior inside you with the XXL Innova Star Leopard Throw Pink Edition. How this batch feels/ other details: Smooth feel. Noticeable dome in lighter weights. Heavier weights (165-175)  have older Star plastic and are penned.  More about the design: Battling cancer takes incredible strength and courage not only for those undergoing the fight, but for their loved ones as well. Our XXL Throw Pink Edition series takes inspiration from these warriors with designs featuring popular Innova characters as fierce female warriors like this Leopardess. More about the Leopard: The Leopard should be everyone’s first fairway driver as it is has excellent glide and is easy to throw straight and far. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for players of all skill levels. More experienced players can use the Leopard for throwing distance stretching “Hyzer Flip” shots. More about Throw Pink: About Throw Pink: Each purchase supports Throw Pink's initiatives to encourage more women and girls into a lifetime of healthy recreation through the game of disc golf. Throw Pink events around the globe raise funds for women's health-related charities. Visit for details.

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