Don’t you love it when old stuff is refreshed in a cool way? That’s what artist Benjamin Hopwood did for the latest USDGC Champion Roc release, “Flag Bearer”.
In it, Hopwood depicts a hulked-out eagle – looking like he might tear through a few phonebooks – and has him carrying the familiar two flags from the old USDGC crest/logo, blending old USDGC with modern day.
“I’m super happy at how well it came out. It’s really clean,” said Hopwood of Myrtle Beach, S.C.
The Flag Bearer Roc is based on an earlier version of the “Freedom Roc”, which was also designed by Hopwood and was released prior to the 4th of July. An Uncle Sam eagle was eventually used as the final stamp, which left an awesome bulked up eagle in front of an American flag waiting in the wings.
Hopwood said his style, which he describes as comic book-esque, has evolved since he first completed artwork for the 2016 USDGC. Instead of going from memory for things like the eagle’s head (which he would’ve done in the past), he studies pictures to get that likeness just right. Otherwise, “Birds can look so much like other birds,” said Hopwood, who went to school for comic book art/animation.
Now in his 6th stamp design for Innova, Hopwood is pleased at his progress. “The stamps are getting better and better,” said Hopwood, whose other contributions include the popular the XXL Valkyrie and XXL Orc stamps.