Please Note: Actual stamp and disc color combinations will vary from sample images.

USDGC Kyle Klein Commemorative Champion Roc

How do you make your first major victory even sweeter?… Accomplish it at the USDGC, of course. And, that’s exactly what tour powerhouse Kyle Klein did last year.

The first USDGC Roc Release of 2024 commemorates Klein’s big win with a batch of beautiful Champion Rocs.

Total Made: 350

Artist: Tony Diaz

Roc Mold: Rancho

Plastic: Champion

Weight: Most discs are 180 grams

How this batch of Innova Champion Roc feels: Modest to moderate dome. Traditional Champion Rancho feel.

More about the Stamp design: The 2011 USDGC Roc offering gave collectors a close up look at the USDGC Champion ring. Rings from past champions Dave Feldberg, Barry Schultz, and Ken Climo were each featured (from three angles) for a collectible Roc release.  This year’s commemorative release of Kyle Klein’s victory is an homage to that prior release, but with an updated in-your-face feel.