Zambia Open Champion Eagle X

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Zambia’s first PDGA event happens Jan 26, 2019, and you can help make it a success. Money raised through these discs, and other sponsorship will help fund the event as well as build the disc golf course in Macha, Zambia and help spread the sport there.

More about the Champion Eagle-X disc: One of Innova’s classic fairway drivers, it has everything you need for a straight flyer with an extra dose of fade at the end.

The stamp features an African Fish Eagle (Zambia's national bird) flying through the Zambian countryside and over one of the homemade disc golf baskets used at the Macha course. At the bottom of the design is the word ‘Atuyandane’ which is the Tongan word for ‘Let us love one another.” It’s a sentiment that nicely sums up this endeavor of sharing disc golf with the Zambian people.

Leading this event, which is a part of the new African Disc Golf Tour, is Eagles Wings Disc Golf, a ministry that works with missionaries around the world to introduce disc golf. 

Though this is the first PDGA event in Zambia, this is the second trip to Zambia for Eagles Wings. The organization last went in 2016 and the local community was very receptive to disc golf. 

***Check out the video of Eagles Wings 2016 trip to Zambia above, near the disc images. ***