James Conrad JK Pro Aviar-X

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James Conrad is known for his disc golf skill, no question about it. But he may be known just as much for his impressive head of hair. And that is what takes center stage in Conrad’s Champion Series Disc.

“My hair is very recognizable. Because it’s so recognizable I thought it would be a fun thing to accentuate for my stamp,” said Conrad, who has had his hair long for the last 10 years.

The stamp idea stemmed from a caricature that artist Les White did of Conrad after he won the 2016 Charlie Vettiner Open (the event honors each winner with a caricature disc). Conrad said someone posted it to his Facebook page and it caught fire. So he hit up White to do something similar for his Champion Series stamp.

The stamp appears on JK Pro Aviars, a disc he holds dear. For at least the last five years, the JK Aviar has been his main putter and what he uses for most putter shots below 300 feet. “I lean on the putter especially in the woods,” said Conrad, of Blacksburg, V.A.