Madison Walker Color Glow Champion Shryke

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Madison Walker was a fan of the Shrike bird long before it became an Innova disc (Shryke). For the last eight years, Walker, who considers herself a bird enthusiast, has held the bird of prey in high esteem. 

She embraced the Star Shryke disc when it came out last year, but not just for its namesake. It flew great. For her Team Champion Series disc, she decided upon the Color Glow Champion Shryke, which is a tad more stable. 

The whimisical stamp is based on a drawing Walker made about a year ago. She also outfitted her bird with a space helmet, partly as a light-hearted gesture. She finds the combination of nature with human characteristics humorous, like a Tee Rex surfing or an owl wearing sunglasses. 

While being whimsical, the helmet and the accompanying space background also symbolize the message of setting your goals higher, as with this Shryke, who's already conquered flight, and is now setting its sights to outer space!