Please Note: Actual stamp and disc color combinations will vary from sample images.

Throw Pink Halloween Classic Color Glow XT Xero

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The Throw Pink Halloween Classic Color Glow XT Xero makes every round a monster mash of a party.

How this batch of Color Glow Xero feel: Flat. Oodles of grip.

More about the stamp: A hostess with a pumpkin head. Surprises at every turn. This is the Halloween party you want to be invited to. Next Halloween, ditch your plans to hang at home and instead party it up with Throw Pink and friends.

More about the Xero: The medium profile Xero has a similar look to an Aviar, but with a more compact feel and rounded rim that allows you to really launch this disc straight into the basket. Long, straight putts are definitely encouraged with this disc.

More about Throw Pink: Throw Pink is a collection of disc golf events across the country with the purpose of encouraging women and girls to get out and be more physically active. Throw Pink also raises money for women’s health initiatives including breast cancer prevention and awareness.