Please Note: Actual stamp and disc color combinations will vary from sample images.

Throwback Halo Star Polecat

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Dust off that favorite flannel and tighten up that butt-cut hairdo cuz’ it’s time to take a trip with the Throwback Innova Halo Star Polecat.

Notice: Halo effect will vary.

**A Marm O. Set 2-Color Design.

How this batch of Halo Polecats feel: Most are flat. Lots of Halo Star grip. Booyah!

More about the stamp: One look at our Throwback Polecat and you’re roaming the halls of junior high all over again. Artist Marm O. Set’s latest masterpiece pays homage to the disc’s 30th anniversary with a design that transforms the beloved Polecat character into a grunge clad teenager complete chain wallet, combat boots, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas haircut.

Check out cool 90’s details:

  • Nod to original 1994 “Circle Stamp” (pictured below)
  • Polecat typography similar to “Friends” logo


Innova Polecat with original circle stamp

(Photo Courtesy of Bryan McAlees)


More about the Halo Polecat disc: If the Mako3 had a putter cousin, the Polecat would be it. Very straight. Very neutral flyer. However, it still has enough fade to keep it from being a total push over.

Other Items introduced in 1994, that revolutionized the world:

  • The Wonderbra
  • Dodge Neon
  • Netscape internet search engine

Things that happened in 1994 that you may have forgot (or never knew about)

  • Tommy Lee Jones wins best supporting actor for Fugitive
  • Woman wins trial over spilt McDonald’s hot coffee.
  • Pulp Fiction movie premiers and enlightens world with how to say Big-Mac in French. Answer: “le Big-Mac”

How much did it cost in 1994?

  • Milk $1.12
  • Gas $1.17
  • Ticket to Disneyland $35